Green energy
Power from waste
Non-recycled waste is the ideal renewable energy source
Unlike solar and wind, non-recycled waste provides continuous power 24/7
Using non-recycled waste prevents it from polluting our soil, water, and atmosphere in uncontrolled ways
Power from waste
AD Incorporated Slurry Covers
How it works
Anaerobic Digestion (AD) with slurry covers is a process where organic waste, such as food scraps or animal manure, is broken down by microorganisms in an oxygen-free environment. This happens under a special cover placed over a slurry (a semi-liquid mixture, often of manure and water). As the waste decomposes, it releases biogas, a type of renewable energy. This biogas, primarily methane, can be captured and used to generate electricity or heat. The process also produces digestate, a nutrient-rich substance that can be used as a fertiliser.
  • Generates biogas, a clean and renewable energy source
  • Helps in reducing the volume of organic waste
  • Produces digestate, which can be used as a high-quality fertiliser
  • Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure efficient operation and prevent odour issues
Power from waste
Anaerobic Digestion
How it works
Anaerobic Digestion (AD) in digester tanks is a process where microorganisms break down organic waste, such as food scraps and animal manure, without oxygen. This happens inside a sealed tank called a digester. As the waste is digested, it produces biogas, a mix of mainly methane and carbon dioxide, which can be used to generate electricity, heat or cool. The remaining material, known as digestate, is rich in nutrients and can be used as fertiliser.
  • Generates biogas, a clean and sustainable energy source
  • Significantly decreases the amount of organic waste
  • Produces high-quality digestate that can be used as fertiliser
  • Setting up digester tanks requires significant capital
  • Requires regular maintenance to operate efficiently and safely
Power from waste
How it works
Pyrolysis is a method of turning waste into energy by heating it to very high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. This lack of oxygen is key because it prevents the waste from burning. Instead, the waste breaks down into different products, including a type of gas that can be used to generate electricity, a liquid that can be converted into fuel and a solid residue rich in carbon, called char. This process can handle a variety of waste materials, including some that are difficult to recycle conventionally. It's a way to extract value from waste while reducing its volume significantly.
  • Can handle a wide range of waste materials, including plastics and tyres
  • Generates gas and oil that can be used for energy
  • Decreases the volume of waste that ends up in landfills
  • Significantly reduced CO2 produced (up to 90%) compared to incineration
  • Requires energy to maintain high temperatures
  • Involves sophisticated and potentially expensive equipment
  • Needs careful control to manage and treat any emissions produced during the process
We see waste as a fuel opportunity
– and it’s already yours!
Use our online tools to explore over 150 technology partners' solutions and start your power-from-waste project
Exploration station
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Concerned about the capital cost?
Even our larger projects can have payback periods under five years, with some as low as two. After that, you only cover the annual facility maintenance cost.
Other green energy sources
Different renewable energy sources can be combined to find the perfect solution for your project
Solar power
Solar power harnesses energy from the sun using panels to generate electricity.
Wind power
Wind power generates electricity using turbines driven by wind.
Energy storage
Energy storage systems capture energy for use at a later time, aiding in balancing supply and demand.